How to fix spacing in word on a mac
How to fix spacing in word on a mac

how to fix spacing in word on a mac

The document may be using a different style sheet than the one you are expecting, which could cause different spacing settings to be applied. There is a page break or column break somewhere in the document that is causing extra space to be added. The paragraph settings for spacing before and/or after paragraphs are set too high. I can’t say for sure why Word is adding an extra space between lines, but there are a few potential causes: Why is word adding an extra space between lines? To change word from double space to single space, highlight the text you want to change, then click the “Line and Paragraph Spacing” button on the Home tab. How do I change word from double space to single space? You can fix the spacing between text by using the “line-height” CSS property. If the keyboard is faulty, it will need to be replaced. If the key is damaged, it will need to be replaced.ģ. Try cleaning the keyboard with a can of compressed air.Ģ. This can be due to dirt, dust, or grime build-up beneath the key. Why is a key on my keyboard double typing?ġ. Another possibility is that your keyboard has a built-in feature that causes it to type two letters at once when you press certain keys. One possibility is that the key is stuck, so that when you press it, it types the letter twice. Why is my computer typing two letters at once? Another possibility is that you accidentally hit the “enter” or “return” key twice instead of once, which creates a double space. The most common reason is that the “paragraph” or “line spacing” setting in your word processor is set to double spacing.

how to fix spacing in word on a mac

Why is my macbook air making me double click?.Why does Word double space when I hit return?.Why is word adding an extra space between lines?.How do I change word from double space to single space?.Why is a key on my keyboard double typing?.Why is my computer typing two letters at once?.

How to fix spacing in word on a mac