Visual studio code format document
Visual studio code format document

I did exactly that tutorial to feel how the things are working.

visual studio code format document

There was one for my case: Walktrough: Using a Shortcut Key with an Editor Extension. In the MSDN there are many examples for different kinds of extensions. Soon I found that the only way to hook before the actual document save, format the document and then return to the default chain of commands is possible only with the IOleCommandTarget interface. I started with the docs – Extending Visual Studio Overview. Step 2: How to create a simple Visual Studio Extension? When the developer presses CTRL+S the command Editor.FormatDocument should be invoked to format the current document. Well… It took me two days (4-5 hours total) for such a simple task. But people are doing this so easily and there are so many extensions online. So I decided to create a simple small extension which does exactly this. Also addins are deprecated in the new VS. Years ago I could do a Macro for this task but Macros are out from Visual Studio. One week ago I switched to Visual Studio 2013 and the extension is not available yet for the new dev environment. I would also add the key shortcut CTRL+E,D It is equivalent to pointing to the Edit menu, clicking Advanced, and then clicking Format Document. The Format document on save option formats the tabs, spaces, and so on of the document being saved. From their documentation it is clear what this does. One of its features is essential for me: Format document on save. Since Visual Studio 2008 I am using this handy set of tools Power Commands. Visual Studio supports formatting of the code with the CTRL+E,D or CTRL+E,F key shortcuts but with this extension the command ‘Format Document’ is executed on Save. The Visual Studio extension Format Document on Save enables auto formatting of the code when you save a file.

Visual studio code format document